Direct Metal Printing (DMP).

Material Innovations Expands Production Application.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

DMP Factory
500 Solution.


Flexible metal 3D printer for 24X7 part production


Build volume 500 x 500 x 500 mm
Intelligent, seamless part production
Low TCO for scalable production
Consistent, low O2 environment


Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

Factory 350.


High quality Metal AM with integrated powder management


Build volume 275 x 275 x 420 mm
High throughput, high repeatability
Integrated powder management
Consistent, low O2 environment


Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

Flex 350.


Scalable metal additive manufacturing for seamless large parts


Build volume 275 x 275 x 420 mm
High throughput, high repeatability
Fast, easy material change
Consistent, low O2 environment


Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

Flex 100.


Precise metal 3D printer for finest features and thinnest walls


Build volume 100 x 100 x 90 mm
Entry-level metal printer
Fine features, thin walls
Best in class surface finish



Materials offered for DMP.

Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ti Gr5 (A).

High strength, low weight, excellent biocompatibility
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ti Gr23 (A).

High strength, low weight, excellent biocompatibility - lower Oxygen than Gr5
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ti Gr1 (A).

Light weight, biocompatible, extreme temperature and corrosion resistance
Stainless Steel.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm 316L (B).

Able to be sterilized and highly corrosion resistant.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm 17-4PH (A).

Excellent corrosion resistance, high strength with good toughness
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm 17-4PH (B).

Excellent corrosion resistance, high strength with good toughness
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm 316L (A).

Able to be sterilized and highly corrosion resistant
Maraging Steel.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Maraging Steel (A).

Excellent hardness and strength, good wear resistance
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Maraging Steel (B).

Genuine tool steel (1.2709), high strength and hardness
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm CoCrF75 (A).

Highly corrosion, wear and heat resistant. Bio-compatible
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm CoCr (B) or (C).

Highly corrosion and wear resistant, suitable for biomedical
Aluminum Alloy.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm AlSi7Mg0.6 (A).

Light weight, good mechanical properties and improved thermal conductivity
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm AlSi10Mg (A).

Good mechanical properties and good thermal conductivity
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm AlSi12 (B).

Metal powder for light weight parts with good thermal properties
Nickel Super Alloy.
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ni625 (B).

Excellent corrosion resistance, high strength and heat resistance
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ni625 (A).

Excellent corrosion resistance, high strength and heat resistance
Direct Metal Printing: High-Strength Metal Parts on Demand

LaserForm Ni718 (A).

Oxidation, corrosion and extremely high-temperature resistant

Direct Metal Printing (DMP).

Direct Metal Printing (DMP), commonly known as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), a powerful 3D Metal Printing technology that shapes any high-quality complex metal part geometry from 3D CAD data by melting metal powder layer by layer.


The Direct Metal Printing (DMP) technology provides unlimited design flexibility and overcomes the limitations related to geometry and surface retention found in conventional manufacturing techniques. This makes Direct Metal Printing ideal for producing compact components with highly complex anatomical shapes, internal channels, complex surface textures and high levels of detail as well as parts of over 400 millimeter high.

  • Perfect for creating complex metal parts quickly
  • No costly and time-consuming tooling
  • Wide range of metals and alloys
  • Increased accuracy, surface finish and feature detail resolution
  • Improved part functionality through freedom in design
Alone you can go fast, Together you can go far
- African proverb
Let’s create future, together.